Journal of Co-operative Studies

Category: 2020-2029

Journal of Co-operative Studies Vol 54 No 1

Summer (June) 2021- Issues and challenges for Irish co-operatives

Journal of Co-operative Studies Vol 54 No 2

Autumn (Oct) 2021 - Co-operation between Canadian universities and the co-operative sector

Journal of Co-operative Studies Vol 54 No 4

Late Winter 2021 (Jan 2022) - No 163 Supplement - Constructing the co-operative imaginary: Journalism’s past, present, and emerging contributions

Journal of Co-operative Studies, Vol 55 No 1

Summer (June) 2022 - Johnston Birchall - An appreciation

Journal of Co-operative Studies, Vol 55 No 3

Winter (Dec) 2022 - Special Issue: New Cooperativism

Journal of Co-operative Studies, Vol 56 No 3

Special issue Winter (Dec) 2023: Robert Owen and co-operation

Journal of Co-operative Studies, Vol 57 No 2

Autumn 2024 - Special issue: Co-operative education
UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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