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Journal of Co-operative Studies
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Co-operative networks and useful links
Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation
Multi-disciplinary network of researchers
Society for Co-operative Studies in Ireland
Increasing awareness and studying the impact of co-operatives on society
UKSCS History Network
The UKSCS History Network aims to keep in touch all those with an interest in co-operative history.
Association of British Credit Unions Limited - trade association for credit unions owned by its members
Association of Co-operative Educators (ACE)
ACE connects educators in Canada, United States, and the Caribbean.
Building Societies Association
BSA is the voice for all 43 UK building societies as well as 6 credit unions
Centre of excellence in Accounting and Reporting for Co-operatives
CECOP - European confederation of industrial and service co-operatives.
Centre of European information and documentation on public, social and co-operative economy, Spain.
US online legal resource library
Co-op News
News website and monthly magazine about and for co-operatives around the world
Co-ops and Mutuals Wales
The representative body (Regional Co‑operative Council) for the wider co-op movement in Wales
Co-operative College
Provides learning for co-operatives, individuals, and like-minded people in the UK and internationally.
Co-operative Development Scotland
Supporting employee ownership and co-operative business models
Cooperative Grocer Archives
Articles from the bi-monthly magazine:1985-2019
Co-operative Heritage Trust
Preserving the heritage assets of the co-operative movement in the UK
Co-operatives UK
A voice for UK's co-operative movement
Co-operative Researchers Network
Co-operative development agency, Wales
EMES Network
An international research network on social economy, solidarity economy, and social enterprise
European Research Institute on Co-operative and Social Enterprise
European Association of Co-operative Banks
EACB is a representative voice for co-operative banks
International Co-operative Alliance
Uniting, representing, and serving co-operatives worldwide
ILO Co-ops Unit
International Labour Organisation - Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
Plunkett Foundation
Supporting community businesses
Digital library on co-operatives and mutuals
Principle 5
An accessible co-operative learning and information resource based in Sheffield
Swoboda Research Centre
Supporting credit unions in Ireland and Great Britain through research
A campaigning organisation with members from worker co-operative and trade union movements.
Woodcraft Folk
Co-operative movement for children and young people
UK-based federation of worker co-operatives
World Council of Credit Unions
Advocacy, development, and education for credit unions and co-operative finance worldwide
Privacy policy
UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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