Journal of Co-operative Studies, 55(1) - No. 164

Johnston Birchall had a long association with UKSCS as a board member, vice-chair and secretary, then as editor of the Journal for five years before becoming part of the editorial advisory board. During that time, he left a legacy of research papers, policy documents, articles, and commentaries on public policy, co-operatives and mutuals locally, nationally, and internationally. A year after his death, this special issue of the Journal commemorates and celebrates Johnston Birchall’s huge contribution to both UKSCS and the co-operative movement. 

The span of articles in this special edition shows how Johnston carried co-operation with him as a constant companion throughout his life, offering astute perspectives on whatever context he found himself in. From a family connection with small shops, to his role as manager in a housing association, to his career as an academic researcher of co-operatives and co-operation, Johnston was always able to offer fresh insights and, where appropriate, challenge existing orthodoxies. He had an uncanny knack of seemingly knowing what was coming next before it arrived, so that he always had something to say when it did. And he often said it first here, in the Journal of Co‑operative Studies, a journal that he contributed to and edited with great pride.

Professor Richard Simmons, University of Stirling (p6, editorial)

In memoriam

Editorial: Johnston Birchall - An appreciation - Jan Myers, pp. 3-6

Appreciation and commemoration

Short papers (editorial review)

Journal of Co-operative Studies Papers by Johnston Birchall 1984-2011

OPEN Workers co-operatives — Some prospects. Rescue for small co-op shops
R. Johnston Birchall, pp. 17-20

OPEN Consumer co-operative societies: Why should people participate?
R. Johnston Birchall, pp. 21-25

OPENHousing co-operatives: How successful are they?
R. Johnston Birchall, pp. 26-31

OPEN Co-operation between co-operatives: Pious hope or sound strategy?
R. Johnston Birchall, pp. 32-37

OPEN The fall and rise of the small co-operative store. “Save our shop” - updated
R. Johnston, Birchall, pp. 38-48

OPEN Government policy and social housing. Dangers and opportunities in the Bill
R. Johnston Birchall. pp. 49-53

OPEN Social and co-operative housing: The new act.
R. Johnston Birchall, pp. 54-57

OPEN Housing co-operatives in crisis
Johnston Birchall, pp. 58-62

OPEN Neither public nor private: The co-operative third way.
Johnston Birchall, pp. 63-68

OPEN Co-operative values and principles: A commentary. 
Johnston Birchall, pp. 69-83

OPEN The Lanica affair: An attempted takeover of a consumer co-operative society. 
Johnston Birchall, pp. 84-93

OPEN Co-operatives in the twenty-first century.
Johnston Birchall, pp. 94-100

OPEN Creating and supporting co-operative members in the West Midlands 
Richard Simmons and Johnston Birchall, pp. 101-117

OPEN The role and potential of co-operatives in the poverty reduction process: A research agenda
Johnston Birchall and Richard Simmons. pp. 118-128

OPEN Co-operatives and poverty reduction: Findings from a research project 
Richard Simmons and Johnston Birchall, pp. 129-133

OPEN The ‘mutualisation’ of public services in Britain: A critical commentary.
Johnston Birchall, pp. 134-147

OPEN A ‘member-owned business’ approach to the classification of co-operatives mutuals.
Johnston Birchall, pp. 148-161

Building on a legacy

Johnston Birchall - A bibilography.

Collated by Jan Myers, UKSCS, pp. 175-180

Cooperative firms, participatory culture, and contemporary challenges. Essays in honour of Johnston Birchall

Special issue of the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 2023, Vol 12, Issuse 2.

Guest editors: Silvia Sacchetti, Lou Hammond Ketilson, and Carlo Borzaga

UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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