Peer reviewed articles
A meta-analysis of member satisfaction studies of US dairy co-operatives
Thomas Gray, pp. 5-19
Over the last two decades The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Cooperative Programs has provided technical assistance to several major dairy co-operatives in the US. Surveys were conducted on a series of internal management questions, operational issues, member satisfaction ratings, and more general member opinions. A central thesis of these studies centered on the assumption that the “key to operating a successful co-operative is for it to perform functions and provide services needed and desired by the member-owners to their satisfaction” (Liebrand and Ling, 2014: 1). The studies were conducted during the period 1993-2012. This paper provides a meta-analysis of four of these studies providing a critique of the assumed neoclassical approach of the research by bringing forth a sociological local/global tension view of the data.
Beyond effective knowledge networks: The case of Indonesian credit unions
Aries Heru Prasetyo, Ariana Chang and Wei Lo, pp. 20-32.
Increasing social value has become vital in developing countries, and one of the key ways to do this is via the co-operative movement. Co-operatives are formed, managed and developed by members. By conducting case study analysis, this research tried to discover the effective ways of developing effective knowledge networks that can create sustainability, thus preparing ways to increase social value — the individual and community wellbeing. Using credit unions as the unit of analysis, we found that organisation structure for each level must be treated as player within the network. The management team must act as knowledge enhancer, the supervisory board acting as nurturer, while the board of directors plays a mediating role. Members may act as knowledge stem-cells which develop through inertia. The faster they can disseminate new knowledge, the higher probability that the movement may inspire a continuous learning community to enhance the civilization.
Short papers
Co-operation in Yorkshire, UK: Sheffield Co-operative Development Group (SCDG)
Steve Thompson, pp. 33-35.
This short paper provides an introduction and short overview of co-operative development and activity in South Yorkshire, UK by looking at the history and work of Sheffield Co-operative Development Group.
Book reviews
Co-operatives confront capitalism: Changing the neoliberal economy. By Peter Ranis.
Reviewed by Gerard Doyle, pp. 36-38.
Understanding Social Enterprise Theory and Practice (2nd edition). By Rory Ridley-Duff and Mike Ball
Reviewed by Dan Crowe, pp. 39-43.

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