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Journal of Co-operative Studies, 31(1), No. 92


Johnston Birchall, pp. 1-2

This issue is in the format of four short, non-refereed articles, two longer, refereed articles, and book reviews. Articles include a focus on the future of mutuality and co-operative policies of the newly elected UK Labour government; a comparison between labour law and co-operative law; co-operative societies supporting small and rural communities through provision of food stores and what this means for the societies;  housing co-operatives; public services in Malta; and local economic and co-operative development case examples.

Short Articles                                                                                              

Building Societies in the UK: a Politician’s Perspective
Andrew Love, pp. 3-11                                                                                              

Labour Law and Co-operatives? Co-operative Law and Labour
Hagen Henry, pp. 12-23                                                                                                    

Retail Planning and Co-operatives in Scotland
Gordon Wilks, pp. 24-29                                                                                               

Sustainability and Maturity of Community Based Housing Organisations
David Clapham, Keith Kintrea and Helen Kay, pp. 30-38                                                   

Longer Articles

Human Privatisation: Worker Co-operative Initiatives in the Public Sector
Godfrey Baldacchino, pp. 39-49

Local Development and Co-operatives: None, only one, more than one in the same village
Yair Levi,  pp. 50-77

Book Reviews

The Economic Theory of Socialism and the Labour Managed Firm (Jossa and Cuomo)
Peter Davis, pp. 78-81

Robert Owen: Schooling the Innocents (Siraj-Blatchford)
Peter Davis, pp. 82-83

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