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Journal of Co-operative Studies 90 September 1997, 30(2), No. 90

Johnston Birchall, pp. 1-2

Short Articles

Towards a Stakeholder Economy
Charlie Cattell, pp. 3-9

Co-operative Membership and the Stakeholder Economy: Lessons from the Failed Lanica Bid
Peter Couchman, pp. 10-14

Housing the Nation the Co-operative Way
David Rodgers, pp. 15-27

A Housing Co-op Rescue of Public Housing in Germany
Walter Pahl, pp. 28-41

Longer, Refereed Articles

Co-operative Values and Principles: a Commentary
Johnston Birchall, pp. 42-69

The Governance of Consumer Co-operatives: Rules and Realities
Cliff Mills and Ian Snaith, pp. 70-94

Book Reviews

Co-operatives. Markets. Co-operative Principles. (Campos, Spear, Thomas and Zevi) 
Peter Davis, pp. 95-98

Annual Report
The Society for Co-operative Studies 1996-97, pp. 99-108

UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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