Call for papers

Click on the panel below to find out more about each call for papers for special issues of the Journal

Special Issues

The Journal accepts proposals for special issues. These should be sent to: [email protected] and your proposal should include:

  • An indicative title for the issue along with reasons for suggesting a special issue and the scope and objectives of the issue. Please indicate its theoretical/practical importance and relevance to UKSCS membership and Journal/wider readership.
  • The proposed editorial team – including lead editor and short biographical details of the team with contact details and email addresses
  • Where possible, an indication of timescale should be provided
  • Indicate how the call for papers will be disseminated and promoted.

Papers submitted to a special issue will follow the same guidelines as for any peer-reviewed article, short article, review or think piece: Submission guidelines for authors

UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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