Open accesscreativecommonsPeer reviewed/Research article
Published online: Oct 2024

Building co-operative education at different steps of the co-operative journey: Lessons from Chile

Matias Bertranou Dammert

Vol 57 No 2, pp. 55-64

How to cite this article : Bertranou Dammert , M. (2024). Building co-operative education at different steps of the co-operative journey: Lessons from Chile. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 57 (2), 55-64. 


Throughout the world, different countries have had different levels of co-operative entrepreneurship and importance of co-operatives in their economies. Increasingly, we see that those countries where co-operatives have smaller support ecosystems belong to the Global South. This article focuses on the work of Mapocho, an organization in Chile concerned with developing the co-operative economy through a dual strategy of: (1) informal and formal education for young people and entrepreneurs outside of the co-operative movement and (2) the development, training, and support of existing co-operative and associative businesses and enterprises. I present the 'funnel framework' through which the dual strategy is born and the theory of change from which it was created. As a conclusion, the article proposes lessons and reflections around the framework, as well as recommendations for how to implement co-operative education and development in the Global South.



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