Building community wealth through workers’ organisations: The challenges and benefits of co-operation through trade unions

John Harrison

Vol 56 No 2, pp. 41-43

How to cite this article: Harrison, J. (2023). Building community wealth through workers’ organisations: The challenges and benefits of co-operation through trade unions. Journal of Co- operative Studies, 56(2), 41-43.


This short paper reports on the formation of the Preston Cooperative Education Centre (PCEC), which was founded in 2021 as a union co-operative. Taking their inspiration from the Mondragón co‑operatives in the Basque Country, the PCEC founders believe that education and training are at the heart of any attempt to create a fairer and more equal society. The paper discusses the joint role that co-operatives and trade unions can play in community wealth building. It concludes with the author’s reflections on the benefits and challenges of promoting a union co-operative model.



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