Open access | ![]() | Editorial reviewed/Short paper | Published: December 2022 |
New cooperativism seminar series – Review
Vol 55 No 3, pp. 78-83
How to cite this article: Ridley-Duff, R. (2022). New cooperativism seminar series – Review. Journal of Co- operative Studies, 55(3), 78-83. https://doi.org/10.61869/NGEK6011
In 2021, the UK Society for Co-operative Studies (UKSCS) formed an editorial board with the European Research Institute for Cooperative and Social Enterprise (EURICSE), the EMES International Research Network (EMES), and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) to organise a seminar series on “new cooperativism”. Each seminar followed a strict research protocol to elicit narratives from experts in the field. An experienced facilitator introduced and interviewed panellists before dividing seminar participants into breakout groups. Members of each breakout group reported on their discussions and debates before panellists gave closing statements. In this article, I review videos and transcripts of the seminars. These not only reveal how new cooperativism was framed by the editorial board during the seminar series, but also presents findings that suggest a new consensus amongst practitioners and researchers. By rejecting neoliberal doctrine, grassroots movements are fostering a culture of mutuality that supports co-operative development and accounting practices aligned to sustainable development.
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