Open access | ![]() | Peer reviewed/Research article | Published: December 2022 |
Cooperativism in cultural and tech sectors: Promises and challenges
Greig de Peuter, Bianca Dreyer
, Marisol Sandoval, and Aleksandra Szaflarska
Vol 55 No 3, p. 57-64
How to cite this article: de Peuter, G., Dreyer, B., Sandoval, M., & Szaflarska, A. (2022). Cooperativism in cultural and tech sectors: Promises and challenges. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 55(3), 57-64. https://doi.org/10.61869/JTVR5224
This paper reports on a survey of co-operatives in the cultural and technology sectors in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Creative industries are a growth area for new cooperativism, with more than a quarter of surveyed co-operatives in operation for less than five years. While the findings show that co-operation is a promising strategy for countering individualised experiences of work, for democratising workplaces, and for facilitating satisfying work in creative industries, they also reveal significant challenges which individual co-operatives and the wider co-operative movement must confront for cooperativism to have a sustainable and inclusive future in the cultural and technology sectors.
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