Open access | Editorial reviewed/Short paper | Published online: October 2023 |
The problem of social care: A co-operative solution
Alex Bird, Andrew Birchall, Anita Mangan,Mick McKeown, Cilla Ross, and Simon Taylor
Vol 55 No 2, pp. 35-42
How to cite this article: Bird, A., Birchall, A., Mangan, A., McKeown, M., Ross, C. & Taylor, S. (2022). The problem of social care: A co-operative solution. Journal of Co- operative Studies, 55(2), 35-42.
This short paper responds to Johnston Birchall’s observations on the future of the co-operative movement in relation to the crisis of social care in the UK. The authors put the case for a union co-operative model that offers a means for forming worker co-operatives for social care inclusive of trade unions and framed around an ethic of care, enhanced worker voice, and wider democratic participation in the sector. More on union co-operatives can be found at
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