Open access | ![]() | Editorial reviewed/Short paper | Published online: October 2023 |
Nigel Todd (1948-2021) — Passionate to the end
Vol 55 No 2, Pp. 47-50
How to cite this article: Myers, J. (2022). Nigel Todd (1948-2021) — Passionate to the end. Journal of Co- operative Studies, 55(2), 47-50. https://doi.org/10.61869/TAWC8163
This review article pays tribute to Nigel Todd and his contribution through published works to the lives and history of the North-east of England and the wider adult education, labour, and co-operative movements.
Co-operative UK (2021, July 8). Nigel Todd posthumously honoured with Co-op Lifetime Achievement Award [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/XRSRNOYgtuA
Cook, A. (2021, March 28). Passionate to the end [Blog post]. Greening Wingrove & Arthur's Hill. https://greeningwingrove.org.uk/passionate-to-the-end/
Evening Chronicle (2004, May 9). Guns, power, and plot. [Chronicle Live]. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/guns-power-and-plot-1616603
Kropotkin, P. (1895, February 20). On a proposed communist settlement: A new colony for Tyneside or Wearside, [Letter]. The Newcastle Daily Chronicle. Tyneside Anarchist Archive. https://tynesideanarchistarchive.wordpress.com/
Owen, R. (1813). A new view of society; Or essays on the principle of the formation of the human character and the application of the principle to practice. Caddell and Davies. [Internet Archive]. handle/10689/4725
Todd, N. (1980). Nineteenth century co-operators as pioneers of education -The Lancashire experience. Review of International Co-operation, 73(1), 39-34.
Todd, N. (1986). Roses and revolutionaries: The story of Clousden Hill Free Communist and Co-operative Colony, 1984-1902. People's Publications.
Todd, N. (1990). The negotiators. Adult Learning, 2(3), 68-70.
Todd, N. (1991). The militant democracy: Joseph Cowen and Victorian radicalism. Bewick Press.
Todd, N. (1992). His majesty the police constable: Tyneside's Chartist policeman. North East Labour History Bulletin 26, 36-46.
Todd, N. (1996a). Ethel Williams: Medical and suffrage pioneer. North East Labour History, 30, 19-21.
Todd, N. (1996b). The red herring war of 1972: Women's rights, butchers, and co-ops in the Northern coalfield. In B. Lancaster & P. Maguire (Eds.). Towards the co-operative commonwealth: 150 years of co-operation, (pp. 55-61). Co-operative College.
Todd, N. (2010a). A working class here is something to be: The origins of the Workers' Educational Association in the North-Eats to 1920. In In J. Brown (Ed.). The right to learn: The WEA in the North of England, 1910-2010, (pp. 106-111). WEA.
Todd, N. (2010b). The WEA and the white hot heat of the scientific and technological revolution. In J. Brown (Ed.). The right to learn: The WEA in the North of England, 1910‑2010, (pp. 106-111). WEA.
Todd, N. (2011). Finding ourselves again? The Workers' Educational Association and the co-operative movement. Journal of Co‑operative Studies, 44(3), 91-95.
Todd, N. (2012). The Wallsend Owenites. North East Labour History, 43, 25-41. https://nelh.net/previous-issues/
Todd, N. (2015). Roses and revolutionaries: The story of Clousden Hill Free Communist and Co‑operative Colony. Five Leaves Publications.
Todd, N. (2016a). Blitheringly fantabulous: Ruskin College, 1967-69. North East History, 47, 143-151. https://nelh.net/previous-issues//
Todd, N. (2016, June 21). The correspondence bureau: The Workers' Educational Association and the first world war. In J. Murphy (Ed.). The Highway - The Workers' Educational Association in World War 1 in the North East. (Special commemorative edition), (pp. 78-82). Workers' Educational Association. https://issuu.com/weainworldwar1
Todd, N. (2018). Before the Pitmen Painters: Chester Armstrong's Ashington. In J. Murphy (Ed.). The Highway - Turbulent Times 1918‑28: Educational and social campaigning within the WEA and affiliated organisations in the NE, (pp. 10-13). WEA. https://issuu.com/keylargojude/docs/highway2
Todd, N. (2019). Workers' education: Centenary reflections. North East History, 50, 137-142. https://nelh.net/previous-issues/
Todd, N. (2020). Back in '83: A general election revisited. North East History, 51, 29-46. https://nelh.net/the-societys-journal/previous-issues/
Todd, N. & Tuckett, A. (2019) A national education service for adults too. Forum, 61(2), 261-270. https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2019.61.2.261
More works by Nigel Todd
Todd, N. (1973). "Canker worms and caterpillars" - the Levellers and the law. New Law Journal, 123(5628), 1179.
Todd, N. (1973). Labour women: A study of women in the Bexley branch of the British Labour Party. Journal of Contemporary History, 8(2) 159-173.
Todd, N. (1974). Ideological superstructure in Gramsci and Mao Tse-Tung. Journal of the History of Ideas, 35(1), 148-156. https://doi.org/10.2307/2708751
Todd, N. (1974). Trade unionism in Lancaster and Barrow, 1890-1911. University of Lancaster Regional Bulletin, 10, 3.
Todd, N. (1975, March 6). Lord Linoleum. New Society, 583-585.
Todd, N. (1975). The uses of contemporary suburban history (1918-1950). The Local Historian, 11(5), 285-289. https://www.balh.org.uk/publication-tlh-the-local-historian-volume-11-number-5-february-1975
Todd, N. (1975). Trade unions and the engineering industry dispute at Barrow-in-Furness, 1897-98. International Review of Social History, 20(1), 33-47.
Todd, N. (1987). Black-on-Tyne: The Black presence on Tyneside in the 1860s. North East Labour History, 21, 17-35.
Todd, N. (1990). Bureaucrats on the defensive? Cuba's Poder popular. Local Government Studies, 16(2), 17-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/03003939008433514
Todd, N. (1995). In excited times: The people against the Blackshirts. Bewick Press.
Todd, N. (1999). Ambition and harsh reality: Local politics … Local politicians. In A. Flowers & V. Histon (Eds.). Water under the bridges: Newcastle's twentieth century, (pp. 91-102). Tyne Bridge Publishing.
Todd, N. (2010). The WEA and the white hot heat of the scientific and technological revolution. In J. Brown (Ed.). The right to learn: The WEA in the North of England, 1910-2010, (pp. 106-111). WEA.
A commemorative issue of North East History, 2022 - the journal of the North East Labour History Society.
Nigel Todd was a veteran Labour councillor who served the city of Newcastle upon Tyne from 1980 onwards but he was also so much more: an anti-fascism activist, a stalwart supporter of the Co-operative Movement, a well published radical historian, a committed educationalist through decades of work for the Workers Educational Association (WEA) and a long serving member of North East Labour History Society. (p.9)