Open accesscreativecommonsPeer reviewed/Research article
Published online: Jan 2022

Hidden in plain sight: How UK national newspapers report on co-operatives 

Anita ManganORCID 

Vol 54 (4), pp. 39-50.

How to cite this article: Managan, A. (2021). Hidden in plain sight: How UK national newspapers report on co-operatives. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 54(4), pp. 39-50.


How do UK national newspapers report on co-operatives? Is there media bias and are co-operatives neglected in mainstream journalism? This article analyses the general coverage of co-operatives across UK national newspapers in 2020 to understand how co-operatives are presented to the public. The research is based on two key questions: how often are co-operatives reported on in UK national newspapers; and what kinds of stories feature co-operatives? Results show that co-operatives remain virtually invisible in mainstream newsprint. Only 640 pieces are published with just 32 stories featuring co-operatives in any great depth. These can be categorised using four themes: high profile business; features; personality-driven journalism; and community activism. Based on these themes, the article makes three points about the UK national newspaper coverage: co-operation is never explained; co-operation is associated with ‘other’ people such as foreigners or the poor; and co-operation is politicised. The article concludes by arguing that because co-operatives continue to be a marginal presence in UK national newspapers, co-operative journalism and journalism about co-operatives is needed now more than ever.



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