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Published online: Jan 2022

Building the co-operative commonwealth in Sheffield: The Sheffield Co-operator and “co-opolitics”, 1922-1939

Christopher A. Olewicz

Vol 54(4), pp. 28-38

How to cite this article: Olewicz, C.A. (2021). Building the co-operatve commonwealth in Sheffield: The Sheffield Co-operator and "co-politics", 1922-1939. Journal of Co-operative studies, 54(4), 28-38.


The Sheffield Co-operator was published every month from May 1922 to July 1939 by the Sheffield Co-operative Party in the UK. With a guaranteed circulation of 30,000 copies, it reported on issues which were of interest to people in Sheffield and refuted the negative reporting from the mainstream press towards co-operatives at that time. The complete collection of 170 editions bound in four volumes was donated to Sheffield Libraries (Local Studies) by the Sheffield Co-operative Party. Largely the work of one man — Albert Ballard, the Secretary of the Sheffield Co-operative Party — the Sheffield Co-operator survives as a unique example of a locally produced co-operative newspaper. This article provides an overview of its mission, purpose, content, and influence.



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