Open access | ![]() | Editorial reviewed/Think piece/Opinion | Published online: December 2021 |
The concept of the ‘social and solidarity economy’ damages the prospect of genuine self-help enterprises achieving a pivotal role within the economy.
Edgar Parnell
Vol 54(3), pp. 67-72
How to cite this article: Parnell, E. (2021). The concept of the ‘social and solidarity economy’ damages the prospect of genuine self-help enterprises achieving a pivotal role within the economy. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 54(3), 67-72. https://doi.org/10.61869/BMPM7413
This article argues, from the standpoint of a practitioner, that the preoccupation of many academics and agencies with the concept referred to as the ‘social and solidarity economy’ has become a distraction from the primacy that ought to be placed on supporting and developing genuine co-operatives and other types of enterprises rooted in the practices of self-help and mutual action. In a world reeling from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is asserted that resources now need to be focused on promoting, re-engineering, and developing enterprises that can help the mass of people respond positively to the challenges now facing them.
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