Open accesscreativecommonsPeer reviewed/Research article
Published online: December 2021

Accounting and reporting for co-operatives: A UK perspective.

Ian Adderley, Elisavet Mantzari,ORCID Maureen McCulloch,ORCID and Daphne RixonORCID

Vol 54(3), pp. 45-57

How to cite this article: Adderley, I. Mantzari, E., McCulloch, M., & Rixon, D. (2021). Accounting and reporting for co-operatives: A UK perspective. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 54(3), 45-57.


This paper reflects on the need for an accounting and reporting framework for co-operatives in the UK. We consider the current state of accounting in the co-operative sector and set out the arguments for a co-operative accounting Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) at entity and sector level, broadly and in some practical detail. We argue that the development of a co-operative SORP could contribute to our understanding of whether the definition, purpose and principles of co-operatives are being met. A co-operative SORP would allow both private (member) and public benefit to be pursued at the same time, make the sector more visible, and enable cross-sector comparisons for the whole movement. Such a framework would also offer clearer means for policymakers, regulators, funders, and others to identify and target support to provide equal treatment for co-operatives. The paper concludes by offering some preliminary action points on how to take the SORP project further.



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