Open access | Peer reviewed/Research article | Published online: October 2021 |
Lights, camera, revolution! Using pedagogical videos to teach about worker-owned co‑operatives in business schools.
Myriam Michaud and Luc K. Audebrand
Vol 54(2) pp. 45-61
How to cite this article: Michaud, M. , & Audebrand, L.K. (2021). Lights, camera, revolution! Using pedagogical videos to teach about worker-owned co-operatives in business
schools. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 54(2), 45-61.
Despite its advantages in terms of sustainable development, the co-operative business model is still little known and largely underestimated by the general population. Even in business schools, it is given scant attention, if any, in the curriculum. As a result, the co-operative model remains a‘hidden alternative’ for many students. In this article, we argue for a cross-disciplinary integration of the co‑operative model into introductory management courses. To show how such an integration is possible, we present the process by which a series of short educational videos on worker co‑operatives was created. We describe the different steps in creating this educational material, highlighting the collaboration between the academic and business communities in the creative process, and outline the advantages of the co-operative model for illustrating contemporary themes in various areas of management. In conclusion, this article offers a reflection on how an organisational model that at first glance appears ‘undervalued’ in the academy can prove to be a great resource for illustrating complex concepts, stimulating reflection, and initiating discussions on ‘alternative’ models.
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