Open access | ![]() | Peer reviewed/Research article | Published online: December 2020 |
New co-operativism as social innovation: Progress or regress?
Vol 53(3), pp. 5-24
How to cite this article: Ridley-Duff, R. (2020). New co-operativism as social innovation: Progress or regress? Journal of Co-operative Studies, 53(3), 5-24. https://doi.org/10.61869/MXAL2449
This paper re-conceptualises a framework by Vieta (2010) describing ‘new co-operativism’ using social innovation theory. Practice-oriented scholars in the P2P Foundation, Commons Transition Movement and FairShares Association have each formulated a challenge to ‘old co-operativism’ by proposing a ‘new’ and more ‘open’ co-operativism. Conaty and Bollier (2015) distinguish ‘old’ and ‘new’ approaches based on the division of benefits between co-operative members and wider society. They argue for a common good orientation in which new co-operativism deploys multi-stakeholder governance, co‑production and socio-political co‑ordination to prioritise local production. This intersects with commons-based peer production and the digital economy in the Commons Transition Movement, and the FairShares Model that advances multi‑stakeholder ownership, governance and management. By deconstructing texts available through wikis, websites and publications, the social innovations of new co-operativism are assessed. Progressive elements offer ‘development towards a new or advanced condition’ whilst regressive elements advocate ‘returning to a former or less developed state’ (Oxford Languages, 2021). After repeated reading, 30 texts were coded using NVivo. The macro‑themes of commoning and multi-stakeholder orientation were added and other aspects (e.g., worker and citizen action) were separated. The revised theory distinguishes three forms of social innovation operationalised through 10 practices.
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