Open access | ![]() | Editorial reviewed/Short article | Published online: December 2020 |
Charles Sheridan Jones - The Co-operative Granite Quarries Limited and the Aberdaron Co-operative Housing Society Limited
Michael Statham
Vol 53(3), pp. 30-35
How to cite this article: Statham, M. (2019). Charles Sheridan Jones - The Co-operative Granite Quarries Limited and the Aberdaron Co-operative Housing Society Limited. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 53(3), 30-35. https://doi.org/10.61869/QMMF7221
On a trip to Bardsey Island in Gwynedd, North Wales (UK) in summer 2019, I spotted a derelict harbour in a cove called Porth y Pistyll on the North Wales coast near to Porth Meudwy at the tip of the Llŷn Peninsular. The skipper of the Bardsey ferry informed me it was built to service granite quarries. As a result of new research, the full historical significance of the site has now come to light. In 1907, journalist Charles Sheridan Jones took over a pre-existing quarry and jetty and formed The Co-operative Granite Quarries Limited. Others involved included journalist Cecil Chesterton, banker W. Walter Crotch, trade unionist Sidney Stranks, and civil and mechanical engineer William Stainton. The company replaced an existing timber jetty with a stone quay and by 1909 export of setts and macadam had commenced. Stainton also formed a subsidiary company The Coal Consumers Pioneer Society based at Plas yn Mhowys in Flintshire, Wales. Another subsidiary company The Aberdaron Co-operative Housing Society was formed to build a nearby model village designed by architect Harold Clapham Lander. Construction of several cottages was started, the remains of two of which are still extant, but the enterprise was of course highly speculative and doomed to failure.
Chesterton, C. (2017). Co-operative production: An outline of the principles sought to be applied to the granite industry. Gyan Books PvT. Ltd. (Original work published 1906.)
Co-operative Granite Quarries Limited (1907, September 23). [Letter to Professor H. S. Foxwell]. Kwansei Gakun University Archives (Document 648-33, pp. 0619-0624). Honshu, Japan. https://library.kwansei.ac.jp/archives/keizaishokan/foxwell/document_pdf/242/648_033.pdf
Co-operative Granite Quarries Limited (1907). The problem of the roads. Aberdaron Granite: An efficient and economic solution. Kwansei Gakun University Archives (Document 648-33, pp. 0625-631). Honshu, Japan. https://library.kwansei.ac.jp/archives/keizaishokan/foxwell/document_pdf/242/648_033.pdf
*Crotch, W. W. (2019). The Cottage Homes of England: The case against the housing system in rural districts. Creative Media Partners, LLC. (Original work published 1901, 2nd ed.).
HM Inspector of Mines (1910). List of Quarries (under the Quarries Act 1894) in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isle of Man 1909. Home Office/HMSO. http://pubs.bgs.ac.uk/publications.html?pubID=B06746
HM Inspector of Mines (1909). List of Mines in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isle of Man 1908. Home Office/HMSO. http://pubs.bgs.ac.uk/publications.html?pubID=B06666
Hollow, M. (2014). The 1920 Farrow's Bank failure: a case of managerial hubris? Journal of Management History, 20(2), 164-178. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-11-2012-0071
Hull Daily Mail (1909, 14 July). Quaint Advertisement (Clipping p. 7). The British Newspaper Archive.
John Johnson Collection (2011). Pre-1960 ephemera: Co-operation (Box 4 National Trading Bodies. Co-operative Granite Quarrying Society) Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.
Jones, C. S. (1903). What I saw at Bethesda. R. Brimley Johnson. http://www.llechicymru.info/PDF/WhatISawatBethesdaCSJ.pdf
Liverpool Echo (1910, February 19). Co-operative Quarries: Carnarvonshire action in Chancery (Clipping p. 7). The British Newspaper Archive
National Co-operative Quarries Limited (1906). The National Co-operative Quarries: What they are, what they want to do, what they want you to do [Microform]. https://archive.org/details/nationalcooperat00nati/page/n17/mode/2up
The North Wales Observer and Express (1910, December 30). Sales of very desirable freehold property. [Digital resource]. Welsh Newspapers Online.
Parry, R. (1910, Dec 9). The Herald: Parish of Aberdaron - preliminary announcement (Advertisement, p. 4). Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald and North and South Wales Independent. https://newspapers.library.wales/view/3609480/3609484/46/
Stainton, W. M. (1907). Report of the Consulting Engineer. In Co-operative Granite Quarries Limited. The problem of the roads. Aberdaron Granite: An efficient and economic solution (pp. 3-5). Kwansei Gakun University Archives (Document 648-33, pp. 0627-0628). Honshu, Japan. https://library.kwansei.ac.jp/archives/keizaishokan/foxwell/document_pdf/242/648_033.pdf
Statham, M. (2020). Porth y Pistyll Harbour and Associated Quarries, Aberdaron, Llyn Peninsula, Wales. British Mining,109, pp. 28-43
Stephenson & Alexander Records (1907) Outlying portions of Penrhyn Estate, Aberdaron, Llanangan, Llandegwring and Llangion, Caernarvonshire. Marked particulars for Mr. D. T. Alexander (DSA/6/199). Glamorgan Archives.
The Times (1910, May 4). Charles Sheridan Jones - Public examination in bankruptcy (Clipping p. 3). The Times Digital Archive
The Times (1909, July 13). King's Bench Division. The Times Digital Archive.
The Times (1909, July 14). King's Bench Division. The Times Digital Archive.
The Times (1909, July 15). King's Bench Division. The Times Digital Archive.
The Times (1909, July 16). King's Bench Division. The Times Digital Archive.
Truth (1909, December 15). Notices -Aberdaron Co-operative Housing Society (Clipping, p. 14). The British Newspaper Archive.
Western Mail (1914, 4 June). Business for Disposal (Clipping, p. 2). The British Newspaper Archive.
Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer (1915, 3 November). Winding up Notices (Clipping p. 5). The British Newspaper Archive.
* A 2007 digitised revised and enlarged edition of the 3rd edition (1908) with Forward by G. K. Chesterton is available: https://archive.org/details/cottagehomesofen00crotuoft/page/n3/mode/2up