Open accesscreativecommonsEditorial reviewed/Book review
Published online: October 2020

Warsaw Housing Co-operative: City in action. By Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska (Trans. Monika Fryszkowska).

Jan Myers

Vol 53(2), pp. 36-38

How to cite this article: Myers, J. (2020).  Warsaw Housing Co-operative: City in Action 
By Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska (Trans.  Monika Fryszkowska), [Book Review]. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 53(2), 36-38.



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UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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