Open access | ![]() | Editorial reviewed/Short article | Published online: October 2020 |
Do values and principles make a difference in times of crisis?
Vol 53(2), pp. 31-35
How to cite this article: Myers, J. & Maddocks, J. (2020). Do values and principles make a difference in times of crisis? Journal of Co-operative Studies, 53(2), 31-35. https://doi.org/10.61869/ESYE7245
This short paper explores aspects of co-operative difference and co-operative advantage in the context of the 2008 ‘credit crunch’ and again as we face the social and economic pressure of COVID-19. Utilising the discourse surrounding the financial crisis, the paper looks at the questions raised about the continuing relevance of co-operative values and principles in creating effective and responsive organisations; the ‘natural’ place of co-operatives as inherently socially responsible and poses questions for possible areas of research to raise the profile of co-operative values in what some commentators are referring to as a ‘new economic age’ and the ‘new normal’.
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