Open accesscreativecommonsPeer reviewed/Research article
Published online: October 2020

Co-operatives as naturally embedded organisations and the implications for resilience 

Lampros LamprinakisORCID

Vol 53(2), pp. 16-30

How to cite this article: Lamprinakis, L. (2020). Co-operatives as naturally embedded organisations and implications for their resilience. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 53(2),


Polanyi uses the term embeddedness to describe organisations that do not solely rely on market forces, but instead take into account social and cultural aspects, so that the economic, social, and cultural may become interlinked. The article makes the argument that co-operatives have the capacity potential for high degrees of embeddedness, and because of that characteristic, they may exhibit increased resilience in turbulent times. Two case studies are presented where historic co-operatives faced institutional and market challenges. First is the case of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool in Canada, where the co-operative undertakes a process of dis-embeddedness that ultimately leads to its demise. A different approach is presented in the second case, the case of Valio in Finland, where the co-operative becomes re-embedded and successfully adapts to market challenges. The article highlights how the unique nature of co-operatives allows for increased embeddedness and further contributes to the ongoing discussion on organisational change and adaptation.



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