In conversation with ... Mike Wistow

Co-operative Conversations is a relaxed and friendly series of interactive online discussions for members of UKSCS and anyone interested in finding out more about co-operatives, co-operation, co-operative history, and contemporary issues, co-ordinated by Mike Wistow.

Mike, a trustee of UKSCS from 2019-2024, and previous chair of the Society, has a  deep and enduring attachment to the co-operative movement, based on both experience and philosophy.  He is currently on the board of directors at Lincolnshire Co-operative. He has previously been a trustee in a community arts organisation, a college of further education, and a training and education charity supporting people in and moving out of the criminal justice system.

Mike was previously secretary, and then chair of NPRIE, the national probation research body. He worked with the Home Office, universities, and criminal justice bodies to understand what constitutes effective intervention, which then informed national policy to move in the direction of evidence-based practice. He is the founding director of Aegir Consulting Limited which has worked with several third sector bodies on developing and implementing longer-term strategies.

Coming soon: February 24 2025 - Co-operative conversation with Matt Otridge. Matt is COO for Music Venue Properties - a community benefit society -  and is a community ownership consultant for Music Venue Trust.

Music Venue Properties has raised almost £3m to purchase the freeholds of grassroots music venues (GMVs). It seeks to remove the threat of commercial landlords and support community operators with their aims to deliver culture in their communities. Music Venue Trust, a UK registered charity, acts to protect, secure, and improve GMVs. Matt previously founded Exchange, a Bristol based GMV, and spearheaded its campaign to become community owned in 2018.

This is an online event. You can book a free place  by clicking the link below.

UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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