Dr Jan Myers has recently concluded a long and successful period as Editor of the Journal of Co-operative Studies. Jan has a background of working in and with co-operatives, third and public sector organisations. She worked with self-help and mutual aid organisations both in the UK and internationally before moving into higher education. She was until recently Associate Professor in Business & Society and is now Visiting Fellow at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.
Dr. Anita Mangan works in the University of Bristol, Department of Management. Her research is broadly themed around social justice. Her main focus is on co-operatives and credit unions as alternative forms of organising which offer a counter-narrative to neoliberalism and austerity. She is also interested in community activism and volunteering processes. Anita has taken over as Editor of the Journal of co-operative Studies.
Together, Anita and Jan discussed the plans and hopes for the Journal.