Co-operators from across the island of Ireland, and the UK, gathered in Belfast last month for a joint conference of the Society for Co-operative Studies Ireland and the UK Society for Co-operative Studies (UKSCS). The conference explored the development of a more co-operative economy and society across Ireland and Britain. Attendees were presented with a variety of inspiring examples of co-operative initiatives in areas such as legislation, housing, farming, education, and sport.
The opening address was given by Northern Ireland's economy minister, Caoimhe Archibald, who talked about the role of co-ops, credit unions and community wealth-building in her departmental priorities - good jobs, productivity, decarbonising and regional balance. She drew on the province's proud tradition and the impact of credit unions and agri co-ops in particular, and introduced members of her departmental team attending the conference as part of their remit to help to double the size of the co-op economy in line with UK policy.
Read more of the Co-op News Article: Co-operation among co-operatives: The Irish/British connection