Co-operatives build a better world – a global outlook on the role of cooperatives now and in the future
A Svensk Kooperation’s celebration of the UN-International Year of Co-operatives 2025 in co-operation with the International Co-operative Alliance.
Mr Jeroen Douglas, General Director of the International Cooperative Alliance, will be sharing his knowledge of co-operatives globally, why the UN has proclaimed 2025 to be the International Year of Co-operatives and what he thinks the role for co-operatives will be in the future. He will also talk about the benefits that more co-operative businesses can bring to society and what important factors need to be in place to enable more co-operative businesses to thrive.
The event is open to representatives from Svensk Kooperation’s member organisations and other people interested in the co-operative business model. It will be held at Lilla Studion, Kulturhuset, Stockholm and also via ZOOM.