Co-operatives build a better world – a global outlook on the role of cooperatives now and in the future

A Svensk Kooperation’s celebration of the UN-International Year of Co-operatives 2025 in co-operation with the International Co-operative Alliance.

Mr Jeroen Douglas, General Director of the International Cooperative Alliance, will be sharing his knowledge of co-operatives globally, why the UN has proclaimed 2025 to be the International Year of Co-operatives and what he thinks the role for co-operatives will be in the future. He will also talk about the benefits that more co-operative businesses can bring to society and what important factors need to be in place to enable more co-operative businesses to thrive.

The event is open to representatives from Svensk Kooperation’s member organisations and other people interested in the co-operative business model. It will be held at Lilla Studion, Kulturhuset, Stockholm and also via ZOOM.

Click for further information and how to book for the event

UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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