The Future is Cooperative

Stockholm, Sweden • 14-16 July 2025

The World Credit Union Conference (WCUC) provides the opportunity to learn and connect with credit union professionals from around the globe. WCUC is the largest global credit union event, featuring: More than 25 sessions and workshops, multiple networking events, an international exhibition of solution providers, and 1,000s of attendees from more than 60 countries representing credit unions large and small.

Keynotes speakers:

Confidence Staveley - The Relatable CyberSecurity Leader, Nigeria: Confidence Staveley is a Cyber security professional, inclusion advocate and a cyber talent developer with over a decade experience in technology. She is the founder and Executive Director of CyberSafe Foundation, a leading non-Governmental organization dedicated to improving inclusive and safe digital access in Africa. Through her foundation, Staveley is helping to protect the most vulnerable people and businesses in our communities. 

Eric Termuende - NoW of Work, Canada: Eric Termuende is the Co-Founder of NoW of Work, author of Rethink Work, trusted advisor, and award winning speaker on leadership, culture, and the future of work. His research into the DNA of top performing workplaces reveals the secrets of exceptional leadership and building resilient, forward thinking teams.

For more information and booking details, visit the conference website

UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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